Inlet Views Newsletter, 2024 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2024 Alexis Steyn

Issue 1 2024 - Manager Corporate Services

The Department of Education provides an allowance to assist eligible families with secondary schooling costs. To be eligible for the allowance the parent/carer must hold a Centrelink Family Health Care Card, Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or a Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card that represents a statement of low income for the family.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2024 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2024 Alexis Steyn

Issue 1 2024 - Student Services

Well hello there, I’m Keir and I have been given the absolute privilege of being part of the Student Services team this term whilst Brad Woodruff is enjoying well deserved long service leave. My background is in Disability Support Services, Medical & Mental Health Administration, and of course for the last 6 years I have had the honour of being part of the amazing Residential team here at ‘Ag’, where my focus has always been on pastoral care.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2024 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2024 Alexis Steyn

Issue 1 2024 - Teaching & Learning

My first 4 weeks at the College have flown by as I try to get to know student names and find my way around the College – luckily there are only 7 classrooms on my side of the school! It is lovely to see students looking their best in their uniforms and following the school’s values of pursuing personal excellence, building positive relationships, and demonstrating social responsibility.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2024 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2024 Alexis Steyn

Issue 1 2024 - Deputy Principal

Seeing the Year 10 students arrive and commence their first day was similar to seeing pre-primary students arriving for their first day of school. There was a mixture of emotions and feelings from being eager, nervous, and excited about starting a new adventure. They have started the year well and have immersed themselves into a variety of dynamic programs that we offer here at WACOA - Denmark.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 8 2023 - Old Collegians

It seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago that I wrote the last segment for the newsletter. Aren’t the weeks flying by? Mike Martin and myself attended the Graduation ceremony at the college on the 17th November. The George Elliott Memorial Scholarship was presented by Melanie Constable to recipient Jordan Proctor.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 8 2023 - Residential Manager

That’s a wrap - the school year is all but completed and as we look back on 2023, we can be proud of our students and staff achievements. For me personally, I have thoroughly enjoyed observing all aspects of College life this semester, and embraced the high functionality of our staff and students. Everyday our people commit to growth and ongoing improvement and the school is well placed to prepare our students for not only the Agricultural sector, but any industry they may choose to pursue.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 8 2023 - Teaching & Learning

Many things have taken place since the last newsletter, despite it feeling like time has flown. I have enjoyed my time at WACoA Denmark immensely when 5 weeks turned into 15 weeks, it feels like it was meant to be. I look forward to stepping in for relief next year as needed and I’m very excited about the process, opportunities and structures the College has planned for 2024.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 8 2023 - Trades & Training

Firstly, I would like to congratulate the Year 12 students on their successful journey through school.  Our recent Awards Ceremony was a fantastic event with many students recognised for their efforts and achievements. Overall, we have had a successful year and the students leaving in 2023 appear to be well prepared for the next steps they take. Well done to all. Any students requiring references for employment should contact us directly, we are happy to support you as much as we can.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Rebecca Kirkwood Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Rebecca Kirkwood

Issue 8 2023 - Principal

Welcome to the final newsletter of the year! Firstly, it would be remiss of me to not mention our Annual Awards Ceremony. I think all of those four hundred and fifty people in attendance would agree it was a fantastic day. This day is always such a great opportunity to celebrate success. What makes it even more special is that the format of the day allows the College, families, community and industry to come together to celebrate that success. Of course, living in Denmark, we know it’s always helpful if the weather is good, and it was nice to see the sun play its part also! Thank you everyone for your continued support.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 7 2023 - Old Collegians

Our 1953 year celebrated 70 years since enrolment outside our old school (now TAFE) in Denmark on 28th October. About 60 people joined the celebration including past students from 1953 – 1956, partners, wives, relatives of deceased students, relatives of past staff members, the Principal of the College, Rebecca Kirkwood with husband, Chris Kirkwood, Deputy Principal Alf Mangioli, TAFE manager, Julie Lehane, former College librarian Janice Axe and some Denmark locals who were part of the DAJHS town wing.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 7 2023 - Residential Manager

Term 4 has started at a cracking pace with a busy schedule and a variety of events to celebrate our Graduating students, whilst also acknowledging our remaining students as they too transition into the next phase of their journey at WACoA – Denmark. Week 1 of Term 4 was all about our Year 12’s, with the Residential Team coordinating the Year 12 Graduation Dinner. The evening was special and captured the moment really well for our graduating students.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 7 2023 - Farm Manager

What’s been happening on the farm? As the season changes and conditions begin to get drier and warmer, an element of panic comes over farm staff. We need to cut hay and silage, we are running out of feed, we need to sell lambs and calves, we need to build new vineyard trellis frames, we need to slaughter and process some livestock for the kitchen, we need to shear the ewes and draft out dry culls. All these things are happening at once and it has been a very busy time. During the term, our students have had the opportunity to participate in all these events.

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