Issue 1 2024 - Trades & Training
Trades & Training
Mark Boynton
Welcome back to all students and families. The first few weeks of the Term have been very busy getting organised for our Year 12 large projects course requirements, planning excursions and welcoming new students.
I would like to thank all the students who are observing the expectations on hi viz uniforms. As I’m sure you know we are not allowing any jewellery while in this uniform. It’s in line with many workplace expectations and keeps things simple.
I would also like to remind our new students about behaviour and expectations. I’m determined to ensure the safety of all members of this school community, and we cannot allow poor attitudes and behaviour here, especially in our potentially hazardous environments. Students who do not follow simple instructions may be removed from practical activities if it is deemed unsafe for them to be there.
Industry Adventure Tour ‘24
From March 25 - 28, we will head towards Perth with Year 10 Students for the 2024 edition of the Industry Adventure Tour.
This year we are visiting the Muresk Institute and staying on their site for the week. (Returning Thursday PM).
Visits and Activities have been planned and all Year 10 families should now have all the information they need. If you do not have the information, or have any further questions, please get in touch and we will help you out. We already have some visits planned to Agricultural and Industrial Sites as well as fun activities in between.
The Tour is a great opportunity for interacting with others and finding out more about industry and employment opportunities. If any families have ideas about other locations we could visit in years to come, please let us know.
It’s important to note that students on the Tour will be under supervision of school staff and representing the school at all times. Any behaviour deemed unsuitable or unsafe may result in the family of the student being required to collect them from site.
Trades Club
Tuesday Trades Club is back for 2024 (4pm-5pm). It is great to see many different students getting involved for many reasons. Some students are taking extra time to perfect their projects whilst others are getting hands on skills with new equipment including TIG and CNC Equipment. All of these great skills will help in the development of confidence and employment skills. We are open every Tuesday until 5PM for any student to drop in for a chat, practice or get some help on their projects.
Year 12 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways students are busy planning and getting into their new projects, some are quite ambitious, and we will be watching these projects grow by the week! Our new Engineering course has quite a focus on planning and design and students are already benefitting from taking that extra bit of time to get themselves prepared.
New steel and aluminium arrives most days at the moment and this has really enthused the students into getting their projects started. I am very impressed to see more aluminium based projects, and this is made possible by the investment in TIG welding technology.
Year 11 students are working hard towards the completion of the minor projects many of which will be displayed on Open Day later in the year. Set projects including folding BBQ plates and rocket stoves in the early part of the year enable students to learn the foundation skills that will go on to help make them capable independent young people.
Materials, Design and Technology
Projects in Materials, Design and Technology are based around using fabrication equipment, technology and CNC plasma cutting. Students in Year 11 are creating some fantastic bespoke gates and Year 12s are into the coffee tables with personalised steel legs cut on the CNC plasma cutter.
Forestry courses are seeing a change in that they have moved base from up on the farm near the horticulture area. A new base and learning area is in progress on the main campus. This enables huge time savings during the day with reduced travel and has enabled Mr Adams and Mr Spencer to set up a fantastic learning area where they can maintain equipment and train students.
As the forestry industry changes over time, it is likely we will change too, we already deliver Units of Competency and a Skillset in Conservation and Ecosystem Management, we are considering the delivery of the whole Certificate II course and would welcome feedback from families and people in related industries. The Conservation and Ecosystem Management units are closely linked to the Forestry Units with an additional focus on growth, development and management of native species, properties and ecosystems.
Employment opportunities in this area are also growing as we move towards carbon offsets and revegetation projects in many areas across the state and beyond.
Equine student horses have all now arrived and settled in. Food preparation and general horse care are very useful skills and many of these Equine students are up early looking after their horses. We look forward to many adventures in this area when the shows and events begin. As always, Miss Pagan is giving everything 100% in that area and has been busy arranging and coordinating improved layout and drainage over the summer. The winter months should be a lot more comfortable from now on.
Our Metals and engineering students will be supporting the area with the construction of a purpose-built horse crush and if time and budget allows, some arena seating too.
If you have any comments or contribution to offer our Trades and Training Department, please get in touch and let us know…
Trades and Training Staff:
Automotive – Mr Kemp
Bees – Mrs Dufall
Design & Technology – Mr Toon
Engineering (Metals) – Mr Hamilton
Equine – Miss Pagan
Forestry – Mr Adams/Mr Spencer
Mark Boynton
Program Coordinator – Trades and Training
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