Issue 8 2023 - Residential Manager
Residential Manager
John Overton
That’s a wrap - the school year is all but completed and as we look back on 2023, we can be proud of our students and staff achievements. For me personally, I have thoroughly enjoyed observing all aspects of College life this semester, and embraced the high functionality of our staff and students. Everyday our people commit to growth and ongoing improvement and the school is well placed to prepare our students for not only the Agricultural sector, but any industry they may choose to pursue.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank the students, staff and families for welcoming me into the role of Residential Manager this year. I have felt very comfortable, included and had the opportunity to add value where possible, especially with planning for 2024. Our teams are very excited and looking forward to next year as they have had the opportunity to have input and contribute to the process of planning, which I have no doubt will reflect in great outcomes for our students.
Graduation & Awards Ceremony
We welcomed back our Year 12 students on Friday 17th November for our graduation and awards ceremony and officially sent off our class of 2023. The event was the highlight of Term 4 and an opportunity to celebrate our Year 12 students’ time at WACoA – Denmark. The event was well attended and a fantastic way to celebrate the achievements of our Year 12 cohort and award recipients. The day is a full team effort and all staff contribute to making the day special and memorable for students and families.
Enrolment Days
In week 7 we welcomed all our newly enrolled students into the College for an overnight stay to experience a “taste” of life at the College. Once the formalities of enrolment were completed, the new students had the opportunity to participate in a range of activities across multiple areas of the College. This provided the opportunity for the new students to get know each other, form relationships, and integrate with our current students to really feel as if they were a part of the College.
Aside from getting to know each other and familiarising ourselves with the new personalities, the highlights of the experience were “Granny Bingo”, where our Year 11 students dressed as grannies and played bingo with the new students, and a trip to Denmark Thrills Adventure Park to take a ride down Mount Shadforth in a Zorb Ball – the only place in Australia that offers the unique adventure experience.
After the 24 hour stay, our new students departed feeling positive about their experience and I feel that they will be better prepared coming into a new environment in 2024. Our staff were also able to capture a lot of “personality data” on our new students which has contributed so much to the planning f 2024.
Other Activities
As students began to depart for the year and numbers have lowered over the last few weeks, our residential team have continued to provide activities for our students outside of school hours. Students participated in:
After school surfing
Beach swims/walks
Park trips
Fishing competitions
Movie and Pizza Night
Christmas Lights Tour (Albany)
Ag College mixed Netball
Friday night BBQ’s
All blended between weekend farm rosters, sporting commitments and the general schedule, our students and staff have done a fantastic job balancing out the tail end of the Term.
A break over the summer gives everyone a chance to wind down, refresh and come back to the College motivated to learn, improve and contribute to the operations of the school. The start to the school year has been amended based on feedback from students, our staff experiences and a thought process, to enable new students to transition comfortably, conduct a thorough orientation and integrate our new and existing students as well as we can. The following outline is an extract from a letter distributed to families recently:
24th January 2024: Administration office is open
Tuesday 30th January:
9.30am College Prefects arrive in class uniform to assist new students
10am new residential and new day students welcomed to the College by staff and 2024 College Prefect team
10.30am morning tea available in the Dining Hall for all families
11am welcome address delivered by Principal and key staff to new residential and day families in Dining Hall
11.30am COMPASS parent session delivered by Deputy Principal Alf Mungioli
12.00pm REACH residential parent session delivered by Residential Manager John Overton
12.30pm parents depart and students engage in orientation activities with Prefect team
7pm Day students are collected from orientation activities
Wednesday 31st January:New residential and day students continue to engage in Orientation activities supported by the Prefect team:
8am new day students are returned to the College by their caregivers or Albany School Bus Service
All new day and residential students continue to engage in orientation activities
2pm all returning residential students are welcomed into residence
2pm all new day students are collected from the College by caregivers or via the Albany School Bus Service
Thursday 1st February:
8.10am classes commence for all students
All students are asked to wear their High Vis uniform remembering that jewellery does not form part of this uniform.
End of Year
As 2023 concludes I would like to wish our WACoA Community a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. If you are travelling or just remaining at home please be safe and enjoy the summer break. We are excited about our revised Orientation Program to start next year, combined with a busy Term 1 planner we are set up to provide meaningful and positive experiences for new and existing students.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – Bring on 2024!
John Overton
Residential Manager
WACOA - Denmark