Workplace Learning
Workplace Learning is an important opportunity for students to experience real workplaces and commercial settings and develop networks in industry. Workplace learning through a holiday period cannot be covered through the College and parents/guardians must make alternative arrangements for insurance cover.
Each year group will have a block of Workplace Learning as indicated on the term planners. Mr Mungioli co-ordinates Workplace Learning and normally students and parents/guardians make initial contact with suitable employers. Our students are then
For more information on Workplace Learning, view our Parent WPL Induction PDF below.
What workplaces are saying about our students
Indi has proved to be consistently hard working and shows initiative to ensure tasks are done.
She has developed her animal husbandry and handling skills over the 2 weeks and has gained a great understanding of handling sheep.
Thank you for your student Maddie, she has been an asset to our business since she’s been here. She asks questions and I would highly recommend her to become an apprentice mechanic. Thank you for the opportunity to teach her.