Issue 7 2023 - Old Collegians
Old Collegians
Don McCausland
Hi everyone,
Our 1953 year celebrated 70 years since enrolment outside our old school (now TAFE) in Denmark on 28th October. About 60 people joined the celebration including past students from 1953 – 1956, partners, wives, relatives of deceased students, relatives of past staff members, the Principal of the College, Rebecca Kirkwood with husband, Chris Kirkwood, Deputy Principal Alf Mangioli, TAFE manager, Julie Lehane, former College librarian Janice Axe and some Denmark locals who were part of the DAJHS town wing.
A unique record of 70 years of continuous reunions led us to this special day. The ABC’s Landline programme ran a story of the 50 years of reunions for a group of students from Roseworthy Agricultural College in South Australia last year – we have beaten that by 20 years.
I think that is because we boarded together, worked together at the Research Station on dairy, piggery, poultry and general farming, all very physical work with hand tools such as pitch forks and axes, used horses and carts, played sport, took part in Cadets and socialising, we became very close, bonded like family - mates for life. The best 2 years of our lives. Together with our wives, partners and families it has been a wonderful journey.
Apologies were read and one minute’s silence held in respect and remembrance of deceased past staff and students of 1953. Morning tea and lunch were provided as well as a delicious mud cake with the DSA logo on the top for afternoon tea. All held in the comfort of a marquee. Thanks go to Eva, Jan and Wendy for their help in preparing the lunch.
ABC Albany sent a cameraman to video part of the event, taking a photo of the 1953 group and engaging them in conversation.
There were tours of the TAFE enabling past students to identify familiar rooms, tours of the College farm, a pin-up board of photos and 550 photos projected on to a screen. Grateful thanks to Julie Lehane for the TAFE tour and use of facilities and Alf Mungioli and the College for their enormous help with equipment, bread rolls, muffins and fruit trays.
Speeches and presentations were held. All 1953 students received a certificate to commemorate the occasion, along with Old Collegians committee members who have provided invaluable guidance, assistance and contribution over a long period of time. Many thanks to Mike Martin (second in charge), Tim Flanagan, Don Miller, Don Jones, Tom Marsden, Darryl Witham, Bruce Quicke, Barry King, Bruce MacMahon, Melanie Constable, Erika Tharratt, Wendy Sutton, Marjorie Morrison and Delys Ravenhill. I was fortunate too – I received a plaque from my fellow committee members in recognition of the work I have done. It has been placed on the wall of the gazebo outside TAFE.
My partner, Sylvia, received a certificate for her work as well as a basket of local products. Together we received a jarrah plaque in the style of a book from the 1953-1956 students. We offer our sincere thanks to those responsible for these wonderful mementos now proudly displayed in our house. I also thank Sylvia myself as I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without her. Finally, thanks to everyone who helped make this day a tremendous success. The event was featured in The Countryman, Denmark Bulletin, Albany Advertiser, Albany Extra, Farm Weekly, ABC radio and was included in GWN7 news on 2nd November.
Not just great promotion for the event but also for the College and the town of Denmark. A video has been put together by Jamie Thannoo, ABC Albany, for which we will forward the link when it becomes available. A huge Thank You All for being a loyal mate to myself and friend of Sylvia, committing your free time and money for accommodation, fuel, meals and even donations to keep the Old Collegians viable and ongoing. We have since received an email from the Moore family thanking us for their welcome and for remembering their dad, Jack Vale.
Peter Waite (1953-1954 past student), name on Honour Wall. After reporting in our last article that there were 13 surviving members of the 1953 group, I heard from Peter’s son, Trevor, shortly afterwards that he had recently passed away. He hadn’t been well for sometime and was in a nursing home in Albany. He will be fondly remembered as one of us from 1953-1954, 70 years ago at the Denmark Schools of Agriculture.
Peter Waite is 5th from left on bottom row. We extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Trevor and all the Waite family. May he Rest in Peace. The George Elliott Memorial scholarship will be presented at Graduation Day on 17th November. We hope to see you there.
As always - get your name on the honour wall - contact us to have your name added. Contacts are: Wendy Sutton 0419 048 694; Marjorie Morrison 9848 1633; Delys Ravenhill 0427 408 051 or myself 0428 526 398, email:
News from all years of the College are always welcome.
Don McCausland