Issue 1 2024 - Student Services
Student Services
Keir Mulder
Welcome to The Hive – a place to gather, support, laugh and relax, it’s all right here.
Well hello there, I’m Keir and I have been given the absolute privilege of being part of the Student Services team this term whilst Brad Woodruff is enjoying well deserved long service leave. My background is in Disability Support Services, Medical & Mental Health Administration and of course for the last 6 years I have had the honour of being part of the amazing Residential team here at ‘Ag’, where my focus has always been on pastoral care.
The Student Services team coordinates the monitoring and provision of support services to students and oversees well-being initiatives. My role this term is to be a conduit between students, parents, staff and internal/external agencies in developing support and planning for our wonderful young people here at the College.
Appointments with any member of the team are so easy to organise – students can just drop in or ask any of the wonderful staff to contact us on their behalf. Parents and caregivers please feel free to contact me or any of the team through Admin on 9848 0200 or email me at
We are so very lucky to have such an amazing Student Services team here at the Hive ready to support our young people, let’s introduce them.
Abigail Weber – School Psychologist
Hi, I’m Abi the School Psychologist and I’m new to the College this year. I look forward to meeting you when I’m at The Hive.
My aim is to support your achievement, engagement and wellbeing through my knowledge in mental health, learning, human development, behaviours and school systems. These services are confidential, however, I do require verbal consent from your parents/guardians to meet with you. If you’d like to meet with me, please see Keir, John or drop into the Hive to introduce yourself.
Chris Urschitz – School Chaplain
Hi I’m Chris and I’m your school chaplain. I’m very passionate about helping young people take responsibility for their journey in discovering and growing their Value, Identity and Purpose (V.I.P.) I look forward to working with you all.
The Chaplain walks alongside our Students and Staff to support them as needed. We provide a place that allows our young people to thrive and we achieve this by;
PLANT: Creating a student-centred enviroment
GROW: Nuturing our students, providing training and care that allows them to thrive.
HARVEST: Which ultimately sees them ready to engage productively in society, the workforce, further training or study.
Bronwyn Waddington – Youth Focus
Hi, I’m Bronwyn and I provide sessions with Youth Focus at the College. The sessions can include anything that young people want to discuss, from boarding issues, living away from home, friendships, career discussions, mental health, goal setting, social media. We require verbal approval from parents/caregivers in the form of a referral through student services, however young people and their carers can also phone Headspace directly on 9842 9871 and we can book them in on my school calendar. Sessions with students are confidential.
About Youth Focus
Youth Focus are a youth community mental health service for young people throughout metropolitan, regional and remote Western Australia. Youth Focus have been the lead agency for headspace Albany since 2015. Youth Focus and headspace Albany programs work together to support young people and their families across the Great Southern in schools and in our centre.
Dana Boston – School Nurse
Hi, my name is Dana and I am the School Health Nurse at Denmark Senior High School and WA College of Agriculture - Denmark.
School health services are an easy way for secondary students to access health care and health information for issues including;
- mental health and wellbeing
- healthy lifestyle – nutrition and physical activity
- development and growth
- relationships and sexual health and
- alcohol and other drugs.
School Health Nurses are skilled in assessing adolescent health needs. We engage in health counselling with young people to identify issues, risks and protective factors, provide advice and brief intervention, assist with access and referral to other services, and provide follow up care. Young people can drop in to the health centre or make appointments to discuss health and wellbeing issues.
Young people are always encouraged and supported to talk to their parents or guardians about significant health issues.
The services provided are free and confidential. If you have a concern about your child’s health or wellbeing please contact me on 9848 0123 or email me at
Keir Mulder
Program Coordinator - Student Services
WACOA – Denmark