National Training Packages
The WA College of Agriculture – Denmark is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO Code 50502) and can offer students the opportunity to undertake a range of qualifications contained within the National Training Framework. To become an RTO, the College was required to meet the Australian Qualifications Framework and Standards for RTO’s (2015).
All training packages offered at this College are based on National Competency Standards identified under the Australian Qualifications Framework. The AQF links competency standards to qualifications.
Secondary Graduations
Training Packages were developed to meet the need for vocational skills identified by industry in Australia. Training Packages are outcomes based. They describe the level of knowledge, skills and understanding that a person with a particular qualification can be expected to demonstrate in the workplace.
The WA College of Agriculture-Denmark offers Certificates II and III from five endorsed National Training Packages.
Training Packages
AHC 21020 Certificate II in Conservation & Ecosystem Management
AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture
AHC21416 Certificate II in Wool Handling
MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
FWP20122 Certificate II in Forest Operations
ACM20221 Certificate II in Horse Care
AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture
AHCSS00075 Basic Beekeeping Skillset
Farm Safety
Driver Training
FESA Bush Fire Awareness
Provide First Aid (delivered by South Regional TAFE)
ChemCert Using Chemicals Safely
Healthy Lifestyle and Health Education workshops
Additional Training & Certificates
On successful completion of their 2-3 year program, students may graduate from the WA College of Agriculture, Denmark with the following:
Western Australian Certificate of Education
Statement of Results from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority
A selection of nationally recognised Certificates to Level 2 from the Rural Production, Metals and Engineering, Automotive, Forest and Forest Products and Food Processing (Wine grape growing) Training Packages.
Record of Achievement from WA College of Agriculture, Denmark on Units of Competency achieved
Statement of attainment listing units of competency that contribute to an incomplete AQF qualification.
Post College Destinations
The flexibility of programs offered at the College gives those students who wish to pursue tertiary studies the opportunity to graduate with an ATAR score and continue on to University or enrol in a TAFE course.
WA College of Agriculture, Denmark offers AQF qualifications at Certificate II and III levels