School Bus Services
All new College students (Day and Residential who live between Albany and Denmark requiring bus transport on the Albany—Denmark school bus) will need to submit a new application for Transport Assistance. This can be completed online through the School Bus Services website:
Please go to the website by clicking the link or button below and follow the instructions.
1. http://www.schoolbuses.wa.gov.au
2. Select: Parents > On-line forms > New Application for Transport Assistance.
3. Complete this form online then click the SUBMIT button which will send it through to School Bus Services.
For further enquiries please phone School Bus Services on 9326 2483.
It’s highly recommended that new applications are submitted to School Bus Services as soon as possible. School Bus Services expects to notify families of the outcome of applications for 2024 before mid-January 2024.
Please note: Due to limited places on the bus, day students requiring the bus each day will have preference over supplementary passengers travelling to and from the College on weekend leave.
Swan Transit operates the service between Denmark and Albany. The school bus will return to Albany early on the final day of the school term to accommodate the early close for residential students traveling home from 2.10pm. Refer to the term planner for more details.