Open Day
Open Day is a very important day in the College calendar. It is an outstanding event that provides students the opportunity to demonstrate their achievements and for the College to showcase its facilities and programs to prospective students, their families and the wider community.
There will be classroom and outdoor displays, practical student activities, College farm tours, wine and horticultural produce for sale, tours of residential facilities and much more.
Open Day is a well-attended, vibrant event and we welcome you to join us for our Open Day on the 6th September 2025!
College Ball
The College Ball is the formal social event of the year for our students. This is a wonderful way for students to celebrate their achievements, friendships and make memories with their peers as they reach the final years of their schooling.
The Ball will be held on Saturday 3rd May 2025. Full details regarding this event (including ticket purchasing) will be provided in the lead up to the Ball.
2024 Ball photo’s are still available to download via the link below.
The Wagin Woolorama is a family friendly regional agricultural show with over 350 commercial exhibitors; over 1000 sheep, cattle, horses and chooks in competition; working sheep dogs; arts and crafts; education options; wool handling and shearing competitions; current and future rural industry products and services and so much more.
Wagin Woolorama
Country Week
Senior High Schools Country Week is an annual multi-sport event carnival held in Perth, Western Australia between rural high schools from Western Australia. The carnival is organised by School Sport WA.
The carnival includes sports such as Australian rules football, hockey, soccer, netball, volleyball and basketball in a range of divisions.
Country Week is recognised as being the biggest event of its kind in the southern hemisphere. The event typically involves about 40 schools with around 3,000 students and over 200 teachers and support staff.
Along with the carnival sports, students will participate in evening activities with their peers.
Awards Ceremony
Our Awards Ceremony is one of the most important days in the College Calendar. It places importance in expressing the values of the College and honouring the group of Year 12 students graduating on the day, as well as our Year 10 and 11 students who also receive awards of achievement. It is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our students’ achievements throughout the year and award our highest achievers, acknowledging their commitment, dedication and growth over three years at WACOA Denmark.
This years awards ceremony will be held on Friday 21st November at 11am 2025.
Invitations to our Awards Ceremony will be sent out closer to the date.
Perth Royal Show
At this years Perth Royal Show, Mr Marshall and a select group of students travelled from Denmark up to Perth to compete against other WACOA Colleges. The first day began with our students working in teams across 12 events. We were fortunate to have the Director General of Education, Lisa Rogers, attend who listened as our students shared their expertise and passion for Agriculture.
The results from the event for 2023:
Fencing: 1st place Denmark
Drenching: 1st place & 2nd place Denmark
Ram judging: 2nd place Denmark
Prime Lamb judging: 3rd place Denmark
Wool classing: 1st place & 2nd place Denmark
Agronomy: 1st place Denmark
Steer Appraisal: 1st place Denmark
Wool Press: 1st place Denmark
Tractor driving: 1st place & 2nd place Denmark
Overall: 1st place AND 2nd place! Congratulations to our students!
Student Parading Results:
Div 1:
1st place: Ayden Reid
2nd place: Abbi Harding
4th place: Heidi Walter
Div 2:
2nd place: Grace Waldorf
3rd place: Spencer Morris
Div 3:
1st place: Cara Jones
2nd place: Jade Erasmus
3rd place: Sam Wimpenny
Div 4:
1st place: Bree Skinner
3rd place: Will Reid
4th place: Lilly Moody
Div 5:
1st place: Chanel Lowe
2nd place: Indiana Wilkinson
3rd place: Yasmine Pages
Div 6:
2nd place: Ella Smith
4th place: Travis Freegard
Finals for Junior beef Judging:
6th place: Bree Skinner
7th place: Spencer Morris
Students participate in the following sports:
Girls Netball
Girls Volleyball
Mixed Hockey
Boys Touch Rugby
Boys AFL Football
Boys Basketball
More details will be provided when they become available.