Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 7 2023 - Teaching & Learning

Term 4 started off as a whirlwind of activity bidding farewell to our Year 12 cohort, the beautiful Graduation dinner and ATAR study sessions. The following week, the Year 10s went off to the RAC Roadside Awareness Excursion in Albany, which links to their Keys for Life program and had some valuable life lessons targeted to teen vehicle decision making as both drivers and passengers.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 7 2023 - Trades & Training

We are looking forward to seeing our 2023 Year 12 Students again at the Awards Ceremony and hearing their plans for the future. I know many had already secured employment and further training and it’s always great to see them return for one last time. If any Year 12 students require support for Trades related job references and advice, then please do get in touch and we will try and support in any way we can.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Rebecca Kirkwood Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Rebecca Kirkwood

Issue 7 2023 - Principal

As I write this, we are finalising plans for our annual Awards Ceremony. This is one of my favourite days of the year, second only to Open Day. Our annual Awards Ceremony is a fantastic way to celebrate the success of our Senior Students and of course say our final farewells to the Year 12 students. I hope to see as many of you as possible at 11am on Friday the 17th of November as you join me to celebrate our students success.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 6 2023 - Old Collegians

As mentioned in the last article, I am writing about Brian Woodhead who passed away last month aged 85 years. A private funeral was held, followed a few days later by a gathering of family and friends at the Bluewater Grill, Applecross on 1st September. Mike Martin and myself were invited and I was asked to talk about his time at Denmark School of Agriculture (DSA). Daughters Wendy, Jenny and Denise gave eulogies and I have put together his story with their permission.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 6 2023 - Residential Manager

Term 3 has seen a vast array of events and activities that have not only highlighted our student's commitment to the College, but also provided meaningful learning opportunities. This term, our College theme of 'values' has been centred around personal excellence and through events or activities including recreational time, many positive examples of students aligning their choices and behaviours to this value have been observed. I would like to acknowledge the students and staff for their efforts this term and wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday break.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 6 2023 - Farm Manager

After a wet month of June, the rain has eased, however still provided plenty of opportunities to get machinery bogged around the farm. July delivered 129 millimetres of rain and August 93, giving Denmark a year-to-date total of 790 millimetres of spring rain. The sun has also come out with some beautiful sunny conditions accelerating pasture growth and fodder conservation. Paddocks are now being “shut up” or preserved for silage and hay production. Additional fertiliser is being applied to give the plants a growth boost before maturing.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 6 2023 - Student Services

The peak medical organisation in Australia – the National Health and Medical Research Council - recommends that for children and young people under the age of 18, not drinking alcohol is the safest option. Young people’s developing brains can be damaged through consumption of alcohol so avoiding alcohol altogether is important. Drinking is associated with poor decision-making, loss of control and risky behaviour such as unsafe or unwanted sex, injury, violence, car crashes and other undesirable outcomes which may last a lifetime.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Alexis Steyn

Issue 6 2023 - Trades & Training

Last week Year 10 students selected options for next year. We are pleased to report that Trades and Training preferences look very positive with many students keen to experience more in our training areas. It's clear that the areas of study and practical experiences we are offering are in line with student requirements.  Year 11 students will make their choices in Term 4, see Mr Mungioli’s Newsletter section for more information.

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Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Rebecca Kirkwood Inlet Views Newsletter, 2023 Rebecca Kirkwood

Issue 5 2023 - Principal

Over the past few weeks we have had such wonderful reasons to celebrate how fantastic our College is!

The main event of course was our annual Open Day and what a great day that was! The glorious winter sunshine ensured that we had strong numbers through the gate with about 800 attendees. Visitors were treated to a variety of demonstrations and those who have attended before would be familiar with our tours of Dairy, Residence and Horticulture as well as favourites like Junior Cattle Judging and Parading.

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