Issue 5 2023 - Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Alf Mungioli
Open Day
Open Day at the College is a reminder about the fabulous facility we have. Students, staff and activities were amazing. Thanks for all the lovely feedback and for those that participated in the event.
Old Collegians
The Old Collegians were on site during Open Day and it presented an opportunity for ex-students to maintain a connection with the College. It is a unique group of people who have come through WACOA - Denmark over the years. It is my understanding that we have had around 2000 students complete their education at our College since it first began. Many have amazing stories to share of their experiences at the College as well as their journeys after they left.
Further attempts will exist to encourage ex-students to either re-connect or stay connected. More news on this to come in Term 4.
Subject Selections for 2024
Students in Year 10 and Year 11 will soon be surveyed to ascertain their preferences on our timetable as well as preferred subjects to include in our offerings. Feedback from students and parents in regards to timetable changes is (and has been) appreciated. We have also had the advantage of seeing what trialled changes have worked through 2023 and those that require further tweaking.
Our Career Education program has been delivered to all Year 10 students this term. Students recently completed a Career Voyage Job Matching activity to ascertain some potential interests.
Communication will be following to parents outlining specific days and times we will be providing information sessions that parents of Year 10 and Year 11 students can attend. We understand that many parents have a fair distance to travel and we will have information available that we can send as a powerpoint.
We are currently looking at dates for the above events and will also have some times to include parents in the subject selection process for courses in 2024.
Support for students and programs
WACOA Denmark takes pride in ensuring students, staff and all the programs are supported. I have been fortunate enough to witness the creation of extra support that has been initiated by our Principal, Rebecca Kirkwood, since she commenced at WACOA Denmark. A Pastoral Care/Student Services Program Coordinator is now in place (Mr Woodruff), a Program Coordinator position in Trades has recently been set up (Mr Boynton) to address and support training needs of staff and students.
Ms Gaunt who is the Program Coordinator of Teaching and Learning is currently on leave and we are fortunate to have Ms Kate Fleay step in to fill the role until Ms Gaunt returns in Term 4. Ms Fleay brings a range of leadership experience while also having some great knowledge of farming. Ms Fleay commences in this acting capacity this week.
A busy environment
Thanks to Mr Scahill for recently coordinating the Bushfire Awareness Course for Year 11 students – it is an important program for young people to engage in, particularly due to the dangers that exist in our regions over summer periods.
The coming weeks have so much on. I will be joining the students and Farm staff attending the Beverley Show.
Students who need to sit their On-Line Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) will do so in the first week of September. It is important that all students needing to sit this assessment are on site (week 8 of this term).
First aid training has been made available to Year 11 students and is an amazing opportunity. This will occur in the last few weeks of the term.
Year 12 ATAR students are doing final preparations for their Mock ATAR exams and we wish them success in this. Our school psych, Bree, is trialling some study skills sessions with students to support them. Our plan is to introduce these sessions for Yr 10-12 in the future.
Royal Show is coming up and students will be working hard to ensure they are competitive and successful in their efforts.
Alf Mungioli
Deputy Principal
WACOA - Denmark