Issue 7 2023 - Principal
Rebecca Kirkwood
As I write this, we are finalising plans for our annual Awards Ceremony. This is one of my favourite days of the year, second only to Open Day. Our annual Awards Ceremony is a fantastic way to celebrate the success of our Senior Students and of course say our final farewells to the Year 12 students. I hope to see as many of you as possible at 11am on Friday the 17th of November as you join me to celebrate our students success.
Part of this student success has occurred in Vocational Training. As an RTO delivering quality education to students, we have much to celebrate. This year we nominated five students for the state-wide School Curriculum Standards Authority VET awards and three of them were invited for interviews. This is a very competitive field and just the fact that our students were interviewed is a fantastic outcome and a reflection of the dedication of our students and training staff. Good luck to Dakota Dalton and Alison Findlay – Primary Industries and Luke McPherson- Engineering.
Last week has been a busy one for the College as we engaged in the process to select our Prefect team for 2024. I am proud to say that out of a Year 11 cohort of 58 students, we had fifteen admirable young men and women nominate for College Prefects. Each of these students prepared a speech and spoke to the staff and students addressing the College values to highlight why they should be part of the leadership team. All staff and students voted and I must say, the count was very competitive!
It is my privilege to announce the 2024 College Prefects: Phoebe Mottram, Will Reid, Bree Skinner, Jesse Oldfield, Laura Webster and Lucia Edwards. In only their short time appointed into the role, they have already met with me twice, eager to cement their ideas for 2024. I am really excited about what next year holds and am looking forward to working with this great student leadership team.
Five of these students then entered the selection process for College Captain. Each Prefect was given three questions in advance and met with myself, Mr Mungioli and our Board Chair Mick Pratt. The outcome of the interview, coupled with an additional staff and student vote, will determine the selection for College Captain. I look forward to announcing the College Captains at our annual Awards Ceremony.
A few Saturdays ago, Mr Mungioli and I represented the College at a past students 70th reunion. This event was held on the lawn in front of their old residential quarters. Many of us know this building as the Denmark TAFE building. It was so very interesting to hear that this group of young men, now in their 80s, have been meeting each and every year since 1953. The relationships they have fostered by meeting each year was evident to all in the room, with the most common catch cry, ‘Ag school was the best two years of our life!’ Almost all past students were in attendance, and those who couldn’t be there were represented by family members. It was a great occasion and another reminder about the fantastic depth, passion and energy that comes through the contributions of those from the past. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Don McCausland for his contribution to the Old Collegians and trust that he will enjoy his retirement from formal reunion duties.
This weekend is the Albany Show, traditionally a great time for our Year 11 students to take a leadership role in leading our junior students in cattle and sheep club. This year, as in previous years, we will have a large presence at the show. You will find staff and students in the cattle and sheep yards as well as in the pavilions. This year we have a stall in the main pavilion where you will find teaching and training staff with student representatives sharing the good news about our College. We look forward to seeing as many familiar faces as possible. Please pop in and say hi!
Rebecca Kirkwood
WACOA - Denmark