Issue 7 2023 - Teaching & Learning
Teaching & Learning
Kate Fleay
Term 4 started off as a whirlwind of activity bidding farewell to our Year 12 cohort, the beautiful Graduation dinner and ATAR study sessions. The following week, the Year 10s went off to the RAC Roadside Awareness Excursion in Albany, which links to their Keys for Life program and had some valuable life lessons targeted to teen vehicle decision making as both drivers and passengers.
This year WACOA - Denmark are the hosts of the ATAR External Examinations for both our students and those of Denmark Senior High School. It has meant that the Campus has been very quiet over the past few weeks with some exams not finishing until after 5pm. Our students have been very respectful of the exam candidates and I’m sure we will be back to a bustling hive in no time!
The Year 11 ATAR students begin their exams on the 9th of November and finish on the 16th in time for the Awards Ceremony on the 17th. I admire how hard they have been working toward these exams and I wish them all the best over this time.
Teachers have already started planning for the 2024 Teaching program and undertaking further professional learning on new curriculum and planning which is fantastic for student outcomes.
Finally, the last of the OLNA testing for the year has been completed for Year 10 students who hadn’t completed their 2 test sessions for the year. I will send out the results as soon as they are made available, well done to those students for putting their best effort in.
Kate Fleay
Program Coordinator - Teaching and Learning
WACOA – Denmark