Issue 6 2023 - Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Alf Mungioli
Year 12’s
The Year 12’s did not believe me when I advised them in February that before they knew it, the end of their schooling would arrive quickly – and it has. The year has flown by with so many of our Year 12 students achieving amazing things.
Time is quickly running out for Year 12’s as they work towards finishing things off at WACOA – Denmark. Our final contact day with Year 12’s is Friday 13th October. Students must ensure they have completed required tasks and activities before being released from the College. Students will be given a Clearance Form. This must be completed for students to be able to finish school at our College.
An invitation for parents / families will be sent out early in Term 4 with information about the Annual Awards Ceremony to be held Friday 17th November.
Year 11 Leave Date
Please be aware that Year 11’s are expected to attend classes until Friday 17th November (and be a part of the Annual Awards Ceremony). The week after classes finish, students have either work experience or Cert III Advanced Wool Handling. The conclusion of the school year for Year 11’s is Friday 24th November.
There have been some requests for a few Year 11’s to leave prior to these dates. Please be aware that during November, some staff assess students and use these results for the annual grade for subjects as well as assessing competencies for qualifications.
Should Year 11 students need to be away before the above dates, please contact me at the College to discuss the impact on schooling. Arrangements can be negotiated if necessary, and will be dependant on the student's previous attendance and existing school results.
Subject Selections
Year 10’s - A subject selection presentation was held on Friday 9th September for parents of Year 10’s. Information about the programs offered by our College as well as key information about senior schooling was presented. By the conclusion of week 9, all year 10’s would have completed the process to select subjects for 2024. Thanks to all parents/guardians who were involved with interviews to help students select subjects.
Year 11’s - During the early part of Term 4, Year 11 students and their parents/guardians will receive further information about what courses students can select from for Year 12 in 2024. It is typical that most students continue with their program, however, it is an opportunity to review and make adjustments if needed. A parent information session is planned for parents/guardians of Year 11 students on Friday 20th October at 3pm. It is expected that Year 11 students will receive a list of courses to select from during the first week of Term 4.
Work Experience
Over 30 of our Year 10 students are out on Work Experience in the last week of the term. We wish them success with another challenge to develop their skills whilst exploring occupations to consider for the future. Employers are always supportive of our students, the opportunities created for students can guide their future path.
We have recently sent out information to parents of Year 11 students about arranging work experience for November in Term 4. We find that students who approach employers directly and with advanced notice have a high chance of securing their placement. Please call the school if you need support.
Staff Leaving
Ms Petrie has landed a position in Perth and leaves us after 12 years at WACOA Denmark. She is continuing her involvement with teaching Agriculture to students. We thank Ms Petrie for her terrific service to the College and wish her the greatest success in her new role. Her classes for Term 4 will be taken up by Ms Smith and Mr Vergona.
I am looking forward to attending the Royal Show with our students and viewing the successes of WACOA – Denmark in the various competitions. It will be a fabulous way to conclude the term. I wish all students and their families an enjoyable time together over the break and look forward to the final leg of 2023. Safe holidays.
Alf Mungioli
Deputy Principal
WACOA - Denmark