Issue 7 2023 - Trades & Training
Trades & Training
Mark Boynton
We are looking forward to seeing our 2023 Year 12 Students again at the Awards Ceremony and hearing their plans for the future. I know many had already secured employment and further training and it’s always great to see them return for one last time. If any Year 12 students require support for Trades related job references and advice, then please do get in touch and we will try and support in any way we can.
Year 11 students have been getting involved in working on small engines/motors, we believe this is a very good skill set, not only for the qualifications on offer but for life skills too. Other training in electrical systems is also happening, students in this unit learn more about batteries, electrical systems and wiring. Battery maintenance is also covered where students use test equipment to check battery condition. As always, the lessons have a strong focus on the importance of managing and recording the servicing needs of vehicles to maintain condition and reliability.
Mrs Dufall and the students have been building, branding and painting up new equipment to replace some of the old gear we had. Some of the boxes have already been placed out in the apiaries and the bees are loving the new colourful look.
Students have also been playing “find the queen and mark her” which can take up to an hour in some of the hives. The idea is to replace the old queens with some new stock that are specially bred for their calm temperament, good hygiene and honey making abilities. Some of our new queens will be artificially inseminated! The team have also managed to split off 2 nucleus hives from our lovely golden friendly bees to make new colonies from them.
Our Bee Trainer and program are so great that many of the Year 12s who left school weeks ago have been coming back (during the old class time) to hang out with the College bees and get involved in the developments in this area.
Honey is still for sale at the front desk but get in quick as it may all be gone soon!
Design and Technology
Mr Toon is heading off to Perth this month to learn even more about 3D Printing. He has arranged to meet the innovative staff at Hyperion Systems. This company has big plans for industrial 3D print systems including the ability to 3D print boats! The CEO and Founder of Hyperion Systems is Joshua Wigley who has strong personal links with Denmark, he will demonstrate industrial level design and manufacture to Mr Toon, this is a great STEM link for our college.
Check out the website link here: https:/
I think it’s fair to say that Mr Toon has enabled huge progress in technology use and development of IT skills in that area. Most students are now capable users of a range of industry level software programs for design, CNC cutting and 3D Printing. We are looking forward to seeing how these skilled students progress into later years and excited to see what they will create!
In our recent feedback to teachers on World Teachers Day, many students highlighted the care and respect that Mr Toon displays in class and practical sessions.
The new Certificate II Engineering Pathways MEM20422, is now the only course on offer, the older MEM20413 qualification is now superseded. With the new qualification comes a requirement for new skills and training. We are particularly aware that good quality planning and design of projects is extremely beneficial to the student progress in the qualification and the fabrication/build process.
The new qualification also has pre-requisite Units of Competency. These are Work safely and effectively in manufacturing and engineering, Undertake manual handling and Organise and communicate information. We aim to complete these in Year 10 each year to ensure that the requirements for the qualification are met.
The planning and design process of the student individual projects will be much more thorough than in previous years. We really want to focus on good planning developing into good project outcomes. Costing of projects should also become simpler with the development of the new Orrcon steel online platform ( Here, students are able to access accurate pricing for the materials to create their project ideas.
We hope this focus on planning will benefit everyone, reducing time and costs involved in the actual project builds. Year 11 students who are studying Cert II Engineering Pathways in 2024 should really benefit from this process. Now is the time to be thinking about individual major projects. I have already had a few students discuss their ideas and it’s great that they are thinking about this now.
For 2024 we will be reinstating the process of prepayment for individual engineering projects. Due to staffing changes in the area over 2023, this process was a little disrupted. Once projects are planned, designed and costed to a suitable level, we will ask parents/guardians for a payment towards material costs. Alternatively, you can purchase materials yourself if you wish, but the planning and design process is still required before fabrication is started.
Mr Hamilton and his keen students have been stepping up with using new equipment, the introduction of new TIG, CAD and CNC technologies has really expanded the range of projects in the Metals workshop. Mr Hamilton has excelled in the level of support for students in a range of projects we haven’t seen before. TIG welding in aluminium has become much more common with many students using the ‘Trades Club’ sessions on Tuesdays (4-5PM) to get some time on the TIG Welders.
Equine is all systems go until the end of the year, we are currently undergoing a shed re-fit making the space much more user friendly. A massive thank you to the year 10's and their teachers who have been assisting with making new saddle racks, cutting timber and making shelves. The year 11's are chipping away at their competencies, currently focussing on ACMEQU218 Perform horse riding skills at walk, trot and canter.
Out and about: Phoebe Mottram and her horse Buddy went to Albany Pony Club demonstrating their phenomenal skills in horseback archery.
Heidi Walter and her horse Remi cleaned up at the Mt Barker Ag Society Horse Show in the Australian Stock Horse classes.
Grace Walford and her horse Jazzy took home a variety of ribbons in the Off The Track Standardbred classes at the Mt Barker Ag Society Horse show. Well done girls!
Good luck to those who are competing at the Albany Agricultural Show this weekend!
Please note: We do have a Horse Float for loading and unloading training, also transport of college horses. This is not available for private hire.
Mr Adams and Mr Spencer been expertly training students in the pruning of trees around the Horticulture and Dairy sections of the farm, clearing branches over driveways and getting the area up to fire mitigation compliance standards. This is an important part of the forestry units as well as good all-round practice.
We have also been giving students the opportunity to develop and demonstrate their aerial tree pruning skills. We have a small arboretum of interesting trees growing around the car park at the Horticulture area, and these offer different challenges and experience for the students.
Unfortunately, some trees in this area have become overcrowded and one of them, a variegated NZ Christmas tree, has started to revert back to its green form. To manage and maintain the value of these trees we have had our students access the trees on ropes and harness to selectively prune the trees.
If you have any comment or contribution to offer our Trades and Training Department, please get in touch and let us know…
Trades and Training Staff:
Automotive – Mr Kemp
Bees – Mrs Dufall
Design & Technology – Mr Toon
Engineering (Metals) – Mr Hamilton
Equine – Miss Pagan
Forestry – Mr Adams/Mr Spencer
Mark Boynton
Program Coordinator – Trades and Training
WACOA - Denmark