Issue 7 2024 - Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Alf Mungioli
Conclusion of 2024
School reports have been issued for Year 11’s. Year 10 school reports are due to be issued in the final week of this term. This is an opportunity for students to reflect on feedback issued by staff via comments and the attributes. Students will benefit by having a conversation with parents on the summary of information in reports.
Congratulations to the Year 10’s and Year 11’s on their progress throughout 2024. There has been so much growth and skill development that has occurred in the classroom, on farm and with student maturity. We look forward to the ongoing development of our existing students as well as the arrival of our new group.
We recently investigated how many Year 12 students had already obtained employment and are so pleased with what our leaving Year 12 students have already achieved. We look forward to hearing more from those students who have left us and are heading to University / TAFE / Apprenticeships / Traineeships / Employment.
Considerations for 2025 and some “homework” for our students
There are a number of things to get ready for Term 1, 2025. We will be;
Running activities for the arrival of new students,
Preparing for the University Tour that will occur early April for Year 11 and 12 students considering a university pathway. We take students to both Curtin and Murdoch Open Days.
Please ask your children to go over their 2024 Semester Two school report in late January 2025. It will be a good reflection tool to consider areas they had success in and those areas they could provide more focus on in 2025.
A reminder
We want to capture our history and share the great experiences of our past students. We are proud of our College staff and students. As a selective school, we are lucky to provide agricultural and vocational education to our students.
We often hear how the College has impacted our past students. They talk about the lifelong friendships they have made in just a few years and how our unique study programs helped them prepare for work and their careers after high school. These stories inspire future students, and we are proud to be part of them.
The College is eager to hear from ex-students about where their careers have taken them. If you are a former student, please share your stories and news, along with updates from your classmates.
The button link below will take you to our Alumni page on our website, where you can download an information sheet.
I wish all families and students a lovely Christmas and a safe New Year.
Alf Mungioli
Deputy Principal
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