Issue 6 2024 - Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Alf Mungioli
Year 12’s
The recent Year 12 dinner and their last days on site were enjoyable. It is wonderful to see so many students walk away with a range of personal and academic achievements. We are very fortunate to have the resource of WACoA Denmark in place as an option for young people to access training in Agriculture and Trades.
ATAR students remain to complete their exams and we wish them success.
I am looking forward to the 15th November where we have our huge Awards Ceremony event, celebrating the success of our students across Years 10 – 12.
Work Experience
Year 11 students NOT participating in Certificate II Woolhandling / Cert III Agriculture activities will access work experience from November 18th for the week.
Well done to so many students in Year 11 who have been able to set in place some valuable work experience opportunities.
Should you have any questions or need support with work experience, please do not hesitate to call the College and speak with Mrs Lockyer who is coordinating all placements.
Year 10’s are eligible to apply for another work experience placement from the 9th December.
We have had some requests from parents for their child to finish 1-2 weeks early to support their family harvest needs. If it is supporting families with Harvest as a job, we can mark students absent for the last few weeks. If students are on work experience, they unfortunately cannot be paid as our insurance cover becomes invalid.
Certificate III Wool Handling
Year 11 students will complete Certificate III in Advanced Wool Handling from Monday 18th November for a full week.
November 18th is a School Development Day so there will not be other students in residence on the Sunday night or on campus for classes on the Monday. Therefore, this is a reminder to Woolhandling students that they will still need to arrive on the Monday, despite the School Development Day. I believe students have been informed about the time that Wool Handling training is commencing. It looks like it is going to be a fantastic course and is a great opportunity for those involved. This is an ongoing activity run each year which is supported by South Regional TAFE and their personnel who have been working with students this week. Mr Schultz has been a great support for the students while they completed Certificate II Wool Handling to prepare them for the advanced program.
School Reports
Staff will soon be in the process of completing school reports for Year 11’s and providing Year 10’s opportunities to confirm end of year grades. There is plenty to do for students as they are given opportunities to showcase their skills in class and be assessed with the remaining tests and tasks. School reports are due to be issued at some stage in the last week of this term.
Year 10 students on site for the last week of the term will have a modified program with plenty of activities to engage in.
Alf Mungioli
Deputy Principal
WACOA - Denmark