The Year 12 Graduation Dinner is scheduled for Thursday 12th October – Term 4 Week 1. The evening is an opportunity to congratulate and acknowledge our graduating students by celebrating their achievements. We would also like to wish them well with their future endeavours by providing a memorable occasion.
This year we thought it appropriate to align our Graduation Dinner with a local and award winning Agri-Business. Our thought process was to link our educational setting with an operating business within the agricultural & hospitality sector.
Boston Brewery was established in 2011 and one of the first breweries located in the Great Southern Region. The brewery is located on the grounds of Willoughby Park Winery, formerly West Cape Howe and was established in 2000. In 2010 Willoghby Park wines was created making the entire operation a “paddock to product & plate” setup.
The Graduation Dinner will also include a tour of the facilities and provide an operational insight into the many working elements of the business that aligns to our vision at WACoA – Denmark:
The event is for student and staff members
Boston Brewery Thursday October 12th 2023
Boston Brewery Tour / Photos 4:15pm – 5pm (bring your boots)
Guests and event 5pm – 7pm
Before & After event details:
All Year 12 students can leave from 3pm to get ready for the evening, with day students required to either return home to prepare or use the College facilities.
Transport from the College to the venue will be available for all students, however please keep in mind day students will need to plan either to be collected from the College at 7:15pm upon return or from the venue at 7:00pm.
As part of the organised tours of the facility, boots are required to be worn and students can bring additional footwear for the remainder of the evening. Tours will be guided in small groups with the alternate group having photos taken on the property. Footwear not in use can either be stored on the bus or there is room behind the stage area that is booked.
Finally, the dress code is smart casual at a minimum; students are welcome to dress more formally if they would like. Our event will include photos, music, and a decorated area under the string lights near the vineyard.