Issue 7 2024 - Old Collegians
Old Collegians
Don McCausland
Hi Everyone,
Mike Martin and I went to Denmark for the college Graduation event on 15th November. We were fortunate enough to stay with Deputy Principal Alf Mungioli – thanks Alf. We displayed the four photo history banners representing the years 1942 to 1956 in the gymnasium. They proved popular with those wishing to find out more about the school beginnings.
Melanie Constable (nee McCarthy), 2002-2003 past student, school captain 2003, presented the George Elliott Memorial Scholarship, donated each year by the Old Collegians Association, to Denmark Senior High School student, Eliza Mitchell. Eliza will transfer to the college next year. Congratulations Eliza.
While travelling down to Denmark we stopped off in Mt Barker to visit ex-Aggies Brian Greenslade and Bruce Macmahon. In Denmark, we took the opportunity to catch up with Richard Ricketts at his shop, Max Middleton and other town folk. Not wasting any opportunities, we also stopped on the way home to visit Murray and Jackie Edwards at Manjimup.
As our school mates are getting older and we are unfortunately losing some, we recognise the importance of keeping in touch as much as possible. To this end, we visited Neil ‘Percy’ Melville (1952-1953 past student and life member) at Capel before going to Busselton to see Tom Marsden (1954-1955 past student and life member) and his wife, Glenys, where we were joined by Colin Kleemann also. They had not seen the banners and were much appreciative of the opportunity.
We are seriously exploring space at the college to display history of the eighty two years (1942-2024) and beyond of the school/college. Suggested items include documents, year group photos, other photos, blazers, show ribbons, metalwork, woodwork, leatherwork and various awards.
We are searching for donations of memorabilia as well as money to enable the purchase of showcases etc. Such donations would be recognised in the history space. We are also interested to hear any ideas which would help to make this a reality. Let’s make this history making project a success to be admired with pride. We have admired the efforts of Narrogin and Harvey – now it’s Denmark’s turn. Please contact myself at or Mike Martin at
Many Denmark people have retired to Mandurah and surrounds so a while ago an annual Back to Denmark lunch was organised for former residents to catch up. This has included several from the Denmark Ag School. This year I attended at Happy’s Chinese Restaurant along with former school mates Mike Martin, Mike Flanagan and Frank Bassula. A total of 48 people attended, including wives and partners. Many thanks to Eleanor (nee Swinburn) for organising the event.
It is with sadness that I report yet another loss from our community. Vale Ann Daw – wife of Clive Daw (1952-1953 past student) who passed away on 18th November after an accident. Her funeral service will be held on Friday 13 December. Mike Marin and myself will be attending. On behalf of all past students, wives and partners of the Old Boys/Old Collegians Association, I extend our deepest sympathy to Clive, Georgina, Jessica and Elysia on the passing of Ann. May she rest in peace.
Last month I let you know that Phil Maughan (1948-1949 past student) had passed away. He died on 22nd September, just short of his 91st birthday.
Phil was born in Merredin on 22nd December 1933 with twin sister, Anne. He was the second of four sons. His early years were spent on the farms at Walgoolan and Northam, moving to Metricup during the war years. The family helped their father milk the cows before riding or walking to school, the reverse in the afternoons. Their mother taught at the Metricup school. AT the age of 12, he moved with the family to the Stocksfield dairy farm on McLarty Road, Harvey. He attended school in Harvey before going to Denmark Ag school for two years. He returned to the farm having achieved his diploma from the school. Phil did his National Service training in 1952.
He met Jennifer at a Junior Farmers meeting in 1964. Jennifer worked at the Sunnywest factory office in Harvey until they married in 1966. They then moved to Beaufront in Ninth Street, Harvey, a farm previously owned by his uncle Bernard. Their son Stuart was born in 1967, followed by Andrew in 1968. The family now also consists of two daughters-in-law, Narelle and Judy, and four grandchildren, Tahlee, Taye, Kate and Alec.
He was a passionate dairy farmer who’s interest began as a young boy in Metricup. This continued at Stocksfield and Beaufront for 32 years before a final move to Government Road where they named their farm Stocksfield once again. Phil and son, Stuart, formed a partnership and Phil became the go to person for fencing. The posts had to be perfectly level and exactly upright. The spirit level and shovel were always with him when he rode around on the four wheeler.
Phil played football in the local competition with gusto, being ‘like a bulldozer’. He managed to knock out one of his own teammates when going for a mark so everyone learned to stay out of his way. His eyesight was not good and he had to wear glasses tied to his head. His WAFL team was Claremont and in the AFL he supported the Dockers. He played cricket for Uduc and attended many carnivals in Perth. He was a member of the WACA for 55 years. He rode to and from training and on game days– the cows waiting to be milked on his return.
As an active community member, Phil was a member of Junior Farmers, later becoming an adult advisor and their first Life Member. He then joined the Farmers Union, at various times holding all administration positions. On his retirement he was made a Life Member. He joined Rotary, holding most positions of the club and being awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship. The Harvey Agricultural Society was another interest – becoming President and chief display hall steward. He helped out with the Harvey display at the Perth Royal Show and ultimately was awarded Life Membership of the society.
Phil Maughan 2nd row 5th from right
Not done yet, Phil served as a Councillor at the Shire of Harvey for seven years and was well known for his willingness to make sure he had all the detail he required and question what he didn’t think was right. He also served on the fundraising committee of the Cultural and Recreation Centre and became inaugural chairperson when it opened in 1993. He organised Carols by Candlelight for many years. In 1996 he received the Shire of Harvey Meritorious Services Award.
Amazingly, Phil found time for singing and as on stage for many concerts. He also wrote verses on many topics.
Following hip and knee replacements, shoulder reconstructions and a heart valve replacement over the last twenty years of his life, Phil was unable to do the things he used to do and reluctantly had to slow down. However, when all is said and done, Phil lived a wonderful, long life and he certainly lived up to the Denmark School of Agriculture motto “Strive to Achieve”.
On behalf of all past students, wives and partners of the Old Boys/Old Collegians Association, I extend our deepest sympathy to his wife, Jennifer, Stuart and Andrew and the Maughan family. May he rest in peace.
Calling all past students….. Reminder that the college is asking for input to their storyboard questionnaire. The information that you provide will be used to co-ordinate with year photos and your individual achievements as a history of the college. There is some on the website already. Your participation and contribution would be very much appreciated. Get the form at: via the storyboard form link.
As always - get your name on the honour wall - contact us to have your name added. Contacts are:
Wendy Sutton 0419 048 694;
Marjorie Morrison 9848 1633;
Delys Ravenhill 0427 408 051 or
myself 0428 526 398, email:
News from all years of the School/College is always welcome.
Don McCausland