Issue 6 2024 - Old Collegians
Old Collegians
Don McCausland
Hi Everyone,
The 1954 70 Year reunion.
The 1954 past students, wives and partners celebrated 70 years since enrolment at the Denmark Agricultural Junior High School at Denmark on October 10th to 13th. 1953, 1955 and 1956 year groups attended also, along with their wives and partners.
The College kindly provided an afternoon tea and tour of the farm on the Friday afternoon. Twenty eight participants attended and were given a running commentary on the bus by co-captain of the College – Phoebe Mottram. Although year 12s had finished their exams and were heading home, Phoebe had stayed back to help. Thank you Phoebe - very much appreciated. Silage was being made and she spoke of the pasture trials, sheep and cattle as well as the general management of the farm.
It was interesting to hear that the robot dairy is to be replaced with a 12 a side herringbone dairy. This will provide students with a much more hands on experience with the cows. Many thanks to Deputy Principal Alf Mungioli for organising the afternoon, and thanks to Mark Spencer, Education Assistant, who was our bus driver for the day. It was very much appreciated by all who attended.
On Saturday 12th, a BBQ lunch was held near the river. Organiser of the reunion, Don Miller, thanked everyone for attending the reunion and gave apologies for those who were unable to be there. A one minute’s silence was held for those who have passed away. Don Jones, 1954-1955 past student had intended to be with us all but unfortunately, he passed away on the day we were driving to Denmark. Don had donated the funds for a retractable banner with a pictorial history of the school in 1955-1956, which was displayed along with one for 1953-1954, donated by Mike Martin.
A presentation of certificates for 1954 students was made together with copies of the school magazine – the Ruminant - for the years 1954 to 1956 also being handed out. The College questionnaire was also given to those who hadn’t yet completed one. Don Miller then cut the special cake. Tim Flanagan and Mike Martin thanked Don Miller, Sylvia and myself for the organising. A dinner was held at the Denmark Tavern that night. As we stayed at the Koorabup Motel, this was very handy.
On Sunday morning, a cooked breakfast was had, again by the river. As we all said goodbye, there was the realisation that this may be our last 1953-1956 reunion because of our age, health and difficulty with long distance driving. However, we still have the memories to keep, a record breaking 70-71 years of mateship – ‘mates for life’ – just like family. It was a terrific weekend, appreciated by all.
Vale Don Jones – 1954-1955 past student, prefect in 1955, Life Member, name on Honour Wall. Don passed away aged 85 years on 10am on the 10th October – 10th hour, tenth day, tenth month. How ironic is that. I received the sad news via text message from his daughter, Tracey, whilst travelling to Denmark for the reunion. His funeral was held in Subiaco on 30th October. His brothers, Trevor and Warwick are also past students. Old Boys/Old Collegians who attended were myself & Sylvia, Don and Dossie Miller, Mike Martin, Stan Lambert, Mike and Marion Flanagan and Kingsley Vincent along with Trevor’s wife, Karin, and Warwick’s wife, Jean.
I would like to thank Alwyn, Tracey, Ashley & Gavin for giving me the honour and privilege of speaking about Don’s life at Ag School at the funeral.
Don, his wife, Alwyn, and Tracey were intending to be at the reunion but as his health deteriorated, they had cancelled.
Don was born in Goomalling on 9th July 1939, the second of six children – three boys and three girls. He started his schooling by correspondence before travelling by school bus to Goomalling school, later moving to Greenmount. The family bought a farm in King River in 1950 from where Don first attended Albany Primary School and Albany High School. In 1954 he was enrolled at the Denmark Agricultural Junior High School for a two year course. He arrived as a fourteen and a half year old boy, leaving as a young man.
On gaining his diploma at the end of 1955, he returned to the family farm until 1958. He picked fruit for a season until he became a leading hand stacker at the Albany Wool Stores.
In 1956, whilst in the waiting room at the Albany Regional Hospital maternity ward, he met Alwyn. Both their mothers were having babies – youngest sisters for each. They were married in 1962 – his one and only girlfriend – not even one at Denmark as an Aggie!
Don joined Beaurepaires in 1960 as a tyre technician which saw him travelling to Borden, Ongerup, Jerramungup, Gairdner River and Ravensthorpe, meeting clients and families as part of his job.
Don and Alwyn lived in Quairading from 1964-1966 before returning to Albany to work for fuel company Esso and then Michelin- in the tyre trade again. Meanwhile, their family had grown – Ashley born in 1963, Gavin in 1966 and Tracey in 1968.
Subsequently, they purchased Albany Gas Centre as well as the Mobil gas depot. As the business grew and they needed more space, they purchased a building from J A Hutchinson & Co. They were always busy – even on Christmas Day – delivering gas cylinders to people who had run out whilst cooking their Christmas dinner. In 1991, Boral Gas (now Origin Energy) approached them to buy a truck to deliver gas cylinders to the lower part of WA. They purchased a Mercedes truck and semi- trailer in 1992, forming Western Gas Distributors which was managed by son, Ashley, and staff. In November 1993, they sold Albany Gas Centre after a successful 20 years and Don continued to work with Ashley. Don also helped daughter Tracey with the running of the farm at Woodanilling, driving trucks of grain to the CBH bins.
In 1994 they built an LPG depot in Pinjarra and Ashley moved there to manage it. Meanwhile, Don and Alwyn enjoyed a hard-earned retirement, spending May to September of each year in Broome and travelling overseas, including to France and Switzerland as well as touring Australia. In 2018 they moved to Perth to be closer to family.
Don’s community involvement began with joining Rotary in Quairading. When he moved to Albany, he joined the Jaycees, serving as President from 1972 to 1973. He retired from the club as a ‘spent Rooster’ in July 1979. He then joined the Rotary Club of Albany East, serving as President in 1990 and 1991.He was presented with the Paul Harris Fellow award in 1991 for his services to Rotary and the community. He had a lapel badge and certificate which he always proudly displayed. He retied from Rotary in 2009 with a record of 100% attendance and 42 years of service.
Don loved country and western music – playing it a lot in his car. He attended the annual Boyup Brook C & W festival with friends Don and Dossie Miller.
Don has always been an active member of the Old Boys/Old Collegians, organising with others the activities we carry out. He organised, with Barry King, the reunions for 1953-1956 in Albany and Esperance. Upon receiving his 70 year certificate in recognition of services rendered as a committee member, he displayed it with pride at his Perth home. Mike Martin, Don and Dossie Miller and myself visited Don in September and presented him with his certificate acknowledging 70 years since enrolment at Denmark as well as showing him the banner for 1955-1956 for which he had donated the money. He was thrilled.
I visited Don in Hollywood hospital at the beginning of October with Mike Martin and Don and Dossie Miller. He was delighted to see us and we spent a short time with him, lifting his spirits.
On behalf of Old Boys/Old Collegians, wives and partners, I extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Alwyn, Tracey, Ashley & Gavin and all the Jones families on the sad passing of Don. May he rest in peace.
Vale Phil Maughan, past student 1948-1949. Phil passed away last month. I believe he had a private funeral. Phil came from Harvey to attend the Denmark School of Agriculture. Upon leaving school in 1949, he went back to his family farm in Harvey, eventually taking over the whole milk dairy farm. I haven’t been able to contact his family as yet to learn more about his life story.
May he rest in peace.
Calling all past students…..Reminder that the college is asking for input to their storyboard questionnaire. The information that you provide will be used to co-ordinate with year photos and your individual achievements as a history of the college. There is some on the website already. Your participation and contribution would be very much appreciated. Get the form at: via the storyboard form link.
As always - get your name on the honour wall - contact us to have your name added. Contacts are:
Wendy Sutton 0419 048 694;
Marjorie Morrison 9848 1633;
Delys Ravenhill 0427 408 051 or
myself 0428 526 398, email:
News from all years of the School/College is always welcome.
Don McCausland