Issue 5 2024 - Teaching & Learning
Teaching & Learning
Jessica Lewis
Year 12’s finishing
Congratulations to all of the ATAR Year 12 students that completed their SIDE English and Chemistry exams last week. While it wasn’t as much preparation time as they thought they needed, I’m sure everyone is relieved to get at least one off the block. Please remember that there will not be a student free day at the start of next term, instead, there will be another exam starting at 8.15am. In case parents aren’t aware, here is the exam schedule for week 1:
Monday 7th October - Plant Production Systems
Tuesday 8th October - Animal Production Systems
Wednesday 9th October - Biology
Thursday 10th October - Mathematics Applications
We wish our students the best possible preparation over the holidays, which of course must include some relaxing time with friends and family, as studying can be a lonely and stressful experience sometimes. The year 11 ATAR students will have 5 weeks of normal classes before their SIDE English exam in week 6, please watch this space for more details on exact dates.
All other Year 12 courses are pretty much finished with just a few loose ends to tie up with general and VET course requirements. I am looking forward to seeing some of the dress up costumes the students come up with for week 1 next term!
Year 10 student subject selection
I felt so privileged to help with the counseling of current Year 10’s on their subject selections for next year. These conversations usually take less than an hour but have lasting impacts on a student’s pathway, and offer a window with an amazing view of where a young person is going. Knowing each students pathway can be very helpful when they might accidentally take a wrong turn; I can help guide them back to their yellow brick road or reset their map to a new destination.
Neogen presentation
Thanks to Mr Marshall for inviting Marcia to come and talk to our students about the advances in genomic testing for agricultural products. It was great to hear from an industry representative that the curriculum that we are teaching in Animal Productions and Ag Science is what is available to livestock producers. I was particularly interested to hear the myostatin mutation (double muscling) discussed as an undesirable trait in cattle due to its links with infertility and the introduction of a sustainability index for reduced joining times. I hope all students are feeling more empowered about how to use genetic information in selecting animals for breeding.
OLNA results are coming soon
Finally I have been asked by several keen students about OLNA results. The Authority’s website says they should be out at the start of next term, so I hope to be in touch very soon with information on that.
I hope everyone has time to smell the wildflowers over the holidays.
Jessica Lewis
Program Coordinator - Teaching and Learning
WACOA – Denmark