Issue 4 2024 - Old Collegians
Old Collegians
Don McCausland
Hi Everyone,
Once again we displayed our memorabilia and artefacts at the College Open Day on Saturday 3rd August. The gymnasium was full of stalls. Tim Flanagan, Mike Martin and myself manned our area with lots of interest in the new retractable banners we had had made. These banners were donated by myself and Mike Martin. (A further banner is being prepared with a donation from Don Jones). One banner, depicting 1942-1945, is now held in the Administration Office for everyone to see. Mel Thomas also displayed his memorabilia.
Our oldest surviving past student, Ron Wise from 1942, was also in attendance. Ron is 96 years of age, visits the gym and swimming pool several times a week. What an inspiration to us all. He was interviewed during the day and shared his experience, as he was one of the first students at the College when it first opened 82 years ago.
Ron Wise, 2nd row, 2nd from left
We signed up a few new life members and sold car stickers. The free raffle, with coupons left in a box on our table, was also a drawing point. A new display cabinet, donated by Cassandra Pape-O’Shea was filled with memorabilia donated by Trevor McDonald’s partner, Barbara. Trevor was a student in 1953-1954. Cassandra owns the Café Dandelion in Frankland River. We thank her very much for her donation.
Vale Ray Giblett
Vale Ray Giblett, aged 84 years. Ray was a student in 1954-1955, prefect in 1955, name on the Honour Wall. With much sadness, I heard that he passed away on 7th June and his family brought his body back to Manjimup for a funeral at the Dingup Hall, which is adjacent to the Giblett farm. He was buried close by at the Balbarrup cemetery where his father, Ashley, is also buried.
Past students, Ian Wauchope, Warwick Jones, Mel Thomas, Clarrie Simkin, Tim Flanagan, Darryl Witham, Don Miller and myself formed a guard of honour. Also in attendance was Betty Decke. Her husband, Roy, now deceased, was a student in 1953-1954. Roy and Betty farmed close to the Gibletts. Other past students who attended were Don Ipsen (1952-1953), Geoff Edwards (1957-1958) and Doug Moyle (1970-1971). A memorial service was held in Broken Hill on 19th July, attended by family and friends.
I wrote of Ray a couple of years ago, detailing, amongst other things, his successful football career.
On behalf of past students, Old Collegians Association, wives, partner and families, we extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Helen, daughter Kylie, sons Bradley, Ashley and Connor and brother Harvey, on your sad loss. May he rest in peace.
Alan Grossman back row, 2nd from right
Vale Alan Grossman, past student 1953-1954, name on honour all, who passed away on 9th July aged 87 years.
Before attending AG school in 1953, Alan had been schooled by correspondence at the family farm at Mindarabin, near Broomehill. Alan was an excellent rifle shooter and helped the school win many trophies as a member of the cadets. After obtaining his diploma in 1954, Alan obtained a CP block of bushland at Gnowangerup consisting of a couple of thousand acres, which he cleared. He also had a farm at Youngs Siding, later selling both farms to move to Coolup where he and his son Karl, ran a piggery. He then moved to a farm in Mukinbudin on which he had a huge shed full of machinery. Alan was gifted with mechanical knowhow which he put to good use. More recently, Alan suffered ill health and sold the farm to move to Mandurah to be closer to his partner, Anne.
An afternoon tea was held at the Salvation Army premises in Mandurah on 19th July. I attended along with Mike Flanagan, Brian and Lil Kent. Alan’s ashes were taken out to sea.
On behalf of past students, Old Collegians Association, wives, partner and families, we extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to daughter Sue, son Karl, Brother Ian and partner Anne on your sad loss. May he rest in peace.
Linto Front Row, far right
Vale Cyril Linto, past student 1947-1948, Dux and prefect 1948, life member and name on the Honour Wall, who passed away in July. His funeral was held at Fremantle Cemetery.
Cyril was born in Bruce Rock in 1932 and spent his early life at Gwalia, Leonora, where his father was the hotel publican. After leaving Denmark Ag school, he began his working life with the Agriculture Dept. at the Nedlands animal laboratory. It was here that he met Kathleen, marrying three years later.
He was appointed a livestock inspector in 1953, transferred to Kalgoorlie in 1959. He lived and worked in Kalgoorlie for 40 years, becoming manager of the regional office for 19 of those years. He was recognised as the longest serving stock inspector in Australia and was awarded an Order of Australia medal for his outstanding service to the agricultural industries of WA. The medal was presented at Government house by then Governor, John Sanderson. Cyril took many journeys out into the bush visiting isolated cattle stations on the Nullarbor Plain. He didn’t retire until he turned 70 years old, and then only reluctantly did he retire.
Cyril and Kathleen had five children, 2 girls and 3 boys, all living in a 3 x 1 fibro house in Eureka Street, Kalgoorlie. Family holidays were spent caravanning in Perth, Mandurah and Augusta.
He was a member of the social tennis club and an active volunteer of both the Royal Flying Doctor Service and Isolated Children’s Hostel. He had an obsession with animals. The home was a menagerie of orphaned birds, dogs, joeys and even a pelican. He had bathtubs full of yabbies and marron.
His sporting prowess consisted of four Premierships with the Railway Football Club, later being a member of the club committee and part of the development of the club. He was the longest living life member of the club until his passing. He also won three premierships with the Hills Football Club alongside his brothers Dez and Rex. His toughness and commitment to the game of football has been well noted – a champion of the game.
Retiring in 2002, Cyril and Kathleen moved to Mandurah where Cyril spent much of his time with his brothers on the family farm on Linto Road, Dwellingup. He spent the last three years of his life at the Neath nursing home. A life well spent.
On behalf of past students, Old Collegians Association, wives, partner and families, we extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to daughter Peta, sons Doug, Paul and Warren, and all the Linto families on the passing of Cyril. May he rest in peace.
Vale Tom Quinlivan (past student 1957-1958), school captain 1958. Tom passed away in July. He was born in Perth on 3rd October 1941 and attended school in Norseman before going to Denmark Ag. He continued his studies at Muresk, graduating with a diploma in Agriculture. He was offered a job at the Esperance Downs research station trialling new pasture and crop species along with a livestock programme. Around 1960, he was offered a CP block of 2000 acres. This he cleared at the rate of 300 acres a year whilst still working at the research station. He farmed the block until 2006.
Football was a great passion and he played for the Gibson football club, winning fairest and best 6 times in 12 years. He was later involved in coaching and development of juniors as well as holding the positions of President, Life Member and club legend. He was also President and Life Member of the Esperance and District football association.
During his time developing the farm, Tom was instrumental (along with others) in the introduction of mains power to the ag regions surrounding Esperance. (something which, at the time, was a huge game changer.) He also fought for farmers to be able to acquire bank loans to be able to build houses and infrastructure on their developing farms. Previous to this, banks would not loan money to many farmers as the equity in their properties was minimal due to their early stages of development.
He was a member of the PGA and WAFF amongst many other representative groups for all of his farming career and was a big believer in giving anyone who was trying to make a start in the Ag industry a “fair go”.
Tom had the ability to be on a level with all sorts of people, from Directors and shareholders to shearers and shed hands. He was respected and admired by many. His passion for sheep and wool growing was evident, and although not being one for machinery and cropping in a huge way, he managed to develop his property over the years whilst acquiring other landholdings with his son Glen.
Toms true success lies in his dedication and commitment to his family. With his wife Maureen of 56 years, they had three children. Mark (dec),Glen and Stacey. Six adored grandchildren, two of which now have connections to the family farms along with an ongoing presence at the Gibson football club.
Toms commitment to the Agriculture industry, his leadership through his schooling and tertiary years and his lifelong friends made during these times (and the bi-annual reunions) of his peers, is perhaps as enjoyable a role as he ever played.
His legacy is now carried on in a large capacity within the Esperance farming and sporting community. He has medals named in his honour through the EDFA at a football level and farming and business enterprises still being run by family in the area.
From a boy with humble beginnings, brought up in a tiny country town, to his hard working ethic to become a successful husband, parent, farmer and mentor, Tom always managed to remain humble and appreciative of the life he had and the opportunities he was given. Witnessing massive changes in the ag industry over his time, Tom rode the challenges and highs of what it was to be a pioneer in his field and (as many others have) lived a full and contented life loved by all.
On behalf of past students, Old Collegians Association, wives, partner and families, we extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to wife Maureen, son Glen and daughter Stacey and all the Quinlivan families on the passing of Tom. May he rest in peace.
Students from 1954-1955 are busy preparing for their 70 year reunion, to be held in Denmark from 10th - 13th October. Saturday will be the main day with a barbeque lunch and a presentation dinner.
Calling all past students…..Reminder that the college is asking for input to their storyboard questionnaire. The information that you provide will be used to co-ordinate with year photos and your individual achievements as a history of the college. There is some on the website already. Your participation and contribution would be very much appreciated. Get the form at: via the storyboard form link.
As always - get your name on the honour wall - contact us to have your name added. Contacts are:
Wendy Sutton 0419 048 694;
Marjorie Morrison 9848 1633;
Delys Ravenhill 0427 408 051 or
myself 0428 526 398, email:
News from all years of the School/College is always welcome.
Don McCausland