Issue 2 2024 - Old Collegians

Old Collegians

Don McCausland

Hi all,

Firstly, I hope you have all had some rain after a long dry period. Many people that I have spoken to were becoming very worried about their dry dams so hopefully this is the start of a good season.


A group of 1965-1966 past students had a reunion at the Windsor Hotel in South Perth recently. Attendees were Bob Harridge, Rob Webb, Bill Shepherd, Geoff Lyster, Rob Woods, John Inferrera along with housemaster Gerry Brennan. They have told me that they are intending to hold their 60 year reunion in Denmark next Year and “all aboard” of their fellow students would be amazing.

**It was great to get this news as it demonstrates the camaraderie amongst past students. Send us your news too along with names, phone numbers and email addresses so that we can all keep in touch and build the Association.

Be part of history

The College has put a questionnaire on their website to get stories from past students. Life was very different in my day and no doubt has changed even over the last 20 years. Your stories will be held for past, present and future students to read as well as being a permanent record of how we all became proud of our school/college, achievements and lifelong friendships. The form can be obtained at or email:; or phone: 9848 0200.

Please provide your stories to further the connection with the past 82 years of College history.

Association News

Following the closure of Bankwest in Denmark, we have opened a bank account with Westpac under the name ‘WACOA Denmark Alumni’. Life membership forms have been updated.

The Association will once again have a stand in the gymnasium at the Open Day on August 3rd. We have permanent display cabinets there along with photos and other memorabilia which we put out on the day. We will also have a free hamper raffle so make sure you come along and visit us.


Mal Ferguson - back row far left

Sadly, we have lost more of our older members recently. Firstly, Vale Malcolm Ferguson, one of the original students of 1942-1943, and prefect. He was a life member of the association with his name on the Honour Wall. Mal was the oldest of the originals and would have been 98 years old on July 30th. He spent nine weeks at the Narrogin school of Agriculture before it was requisitioned by the army for convalescing soldiers. He was one of 45 students, 35 in their first year and 10 in the second, who travelled to Denmark to start the Denmark School of Agriculture. He came from Mukinbudin, 48 hours and three train rides away. His primary school journey was in complete contrast – just a 9 mile horse ride.

Following illness of his father and hard times in farming, in 1947 the farm was sold but Mal remained in Mukinbudin and commenced work as a shearer and farm labourer. He had met Elspeth, the daughter of the local headmaster, in 1944 and they married in 1950. They had a 2 week honeymoon in Denmark as Mal loved the town and its people.

Mrs Pearce’s Boarding House (now the Co-op)

Over the next 35 years in Mukinbudin, Mal and Elspeth had a family of 2 sons and 2 daughters which grew to include 17 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren today. Mal’s work progressed to include shearing boss, share farmer, Sunbeam agent, fuel distributer (Neptune then Shell), cartage contractor, tyre shop operator and fibreglass tank manufacturer. In this time, he also drove the school bus run and was for a period an ambulance driver. The skills he learned at Denmark stood him in good stead as he could build or fix anything. He had helped to build the Denmark school workshop which included metalwork, woodwork and leatherwork and buildings at the State Farm (later Research Station). There were many things to be built and/or repaired.

In sport, Mal played football, cricket and tennis and became a Life Member of the Mukinbudin Football Club. He was also a foundation member of the West Coast Eagles.

In 1985, they moved to Maylands and later to Heathridge. He started a furniture hire business and after retirement, a lawn mowing business. His retirement also included growing veggies, keeping chooks and putting together pumps for his son, Matt’s business. He and Matt had bought a farm together at Nungarin so he was able to spend some time there as well. He played golf and at 89 years of age, could hit 45 for nine holes. He was interested in politics and was once photographed with Bob Hawke. He and Elspeth attended many Denmark reunions over the years.

Mal passed away on March 19th after a long and fruitful life. Mike Martin and I attended his funeral in Perth on 4th April. On behalf of all members, wives and partners we extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Elspeth and all the Ferguson family. May he rest in peace.

The Workshops

Special mention to Ron Wise, the only remaining 1942 student.

Vale Irwin Clements, past student 1955-1956, School Captain 1956 and Dux 1956. Colin Kleemann and Adrian Tapley attended his funeral in Perth on April 19th both as friends and as representatives of the Association.

Vale Lillian (Lil) Miller, wife of Bob Miller (past student 1951-1952, life member, name on honour wall). Lil and Bob met at a dance as was so often the case back in the 1950’s.

After their marriage in 1959, they ran their own farm as well as being in partnership with Bob’s father and brother, Don. They have a son and two daughters. Lil was a great community member in Cowaramup, volunteering with the hockey, basketball, Lions Club and even as a trainer for the footy club. She played golf, carpet bowls and darts. She knitted trauma teddy bears for the Police and Ambulance for which she received a thank you letter from the Queensland Government.

Vale Lillian Miller

Whilst at Tumby Bay in South Australia, Macca from Australia All Over spoke to her. Lil became speechless – not normal for Lil. She was also a professional dressmaker.

Lil and Bob travelled widely in their later years. They visited such wonderful places as the Birdsville races, Canning Stock Route, a five year long round Australia trip, New Zealand and Scotland, the last for a family reunion. When they crossed the Nullabor, Lil walked in front looking out for potholes while Bob drove behind. For her 80th birthday, she had a ride in a Harley Davidson sidecar. Lil attended all the major reunions at the school/college with Bob and will be sadly missed.

Her funeral in Busselton in February was very well attended. On behalf of all members, wives and partners, we extend our sincere sympathy and condolences to Bob and all the Miller family. May she rest in peace.

As always - get your name on the honour wall - contact us to have your name added. Contacts are:
Wendy Sutton: 0419 048 694;
Marjorie Morrison: 9848 1633;
Delys Ravenhill: 0427 408 051 or
myself: 0428 526 398, email:

News from all years of the College are always welcome.

Don McCausland


Issue 3 2024 - Principal


Issue 2 2024 - Student Services