Issue 2 2024 - Deputy Principal

Deputy Principal

Alf Mungioli

A Year 10 Career Education / Wellbeing sessions

It is very important that our Year 10 students understand the importance of their move into Year 11 in 2025. At WACOA – Denmark, we will be assisting Year 10 students with making informed choices about their options for Senior School and the importance of the qualifications we deliver on site. A Career Education program is being delivered to all Year 10 students. Students have a booklet that they are working through as a summary of their explorations/investigations.

A letter will be sent out to parents and guardians of Year 10 students later this term outlining our plan to prepare students in making informed decisions about senior school and future pathways. This will include the involvement of parents and guardians.

Youth Focus are an organisation that are experienced with teenagers and are also delivering sessions to our Year 10’s. The focus is Building Positive Relationships and Resolving Conflicts. Students engaged in this have shown a great deal of maturity in the activities and conversations.


In a few weeks we will be conducting our assemblies for each year group. We will acknowledge a variety of students for their efforts in Pursuing Positive Relationships, Achieving Personal Excellence, Demonstrating Social Responsibility and having a positive attendance. We will also be acknowledging excellence on farm.

School Reports

As semester one draws to a close, teachers and students are working together to gather evidence of student work with subjects and certificates. We have many tasks/assignments/assessments/exams coming up in the next 5 weeks. Missing days can interfere with student progress and assessment. It is very supportive when parents are ensuring their child is at the College whenever they can be and not taking any unnecessary time off. Days off from school adds up quickly.

Formal reports every semester are an important transcript that can provide fantastic feedback on student progress. They are also used for job applications or when students are keen to pursue further training/opportunities after they finish school. We are very fortunate that students can walk away from the College with a range of developed skills, results and qualifications, and it is terrific that students make the most of this.

Students NOT attending Country Week

Parents and guardians will be aware that all Year 11 and 12 College students must be involved in either Country Week or Work Experience in the last week (for Yr 11’s and Yr 12 ATAR students not going to Country Week) and the last 2 weeks of Term 2 (for Yr 12’s who are NOT in ATAR). If parents/students need clarification or confirmation, please ensure that you check in with the front office. Students in Auschem will have a slightly different attendance structure in the second last week of Term 2.

Thanks to the parents and guardians who have been proactive with supporting their child with obtaining work experience and for their support in completing the required paperwork. Work Experience opportunities outside the College is rare and when available, should be utilised to support students building their confidence in alternative workplace environments, building their networks, obtaining different career experiences and for some, potentially confirming a career pathway. Please contact Mrs Lockyer if you have any questions about Work Experience.

For Year 10 students it is either Country Week or a modified learning program at the College. This modified learning program at the College will include a range of valuable activities. Year 10 students are likely to have extra days on farm for this week (Monday, Thursday and Friday). This is a great opportunity for the Year 10’s to experience a range of farm related activities, and with the modified program, students are expected to attend all classes and farm, as it is still a regular school week.

Alf Mungioli
Deputy Principal
WACOA - Denmark


Issue 2 2024 - Trades & Training


Issue 2 2024 - Principal